Today's events just seem to sum up this Vikings season in a nutshell. The roof caved in.
It will take some time to fix that problem. Stadium workers were taking snow off the roof. The Twin Cities got as much as 25 inches of snow over the last two days, and the Giants were able to get into town.
The game will be moved to another location. The University of Minnesota's outdoor stadium was considered, but it has many fewer seats than the Metrodome, but the weather forecast for tomorrow night will be temperatures below zero. The Giants also did not pack any outdoor gear for their trip, as they figured to be playing indoors. So that doesn't look like any possibility.
This also gives Brett Favre more rest, as his streak of 297 consecutive starts was in jeopardy. Funny the way the football gods work sometimes.
The NFL is now considering moving the game to a neutral indoor site, such as Detroit or Indianapolis. Detroit makes the most sense, as the Lions have a home game there today and Fox is covering it. Fox was scheduled to cover today's Vikings-Giants game, so that's makes the most logical sense. The NFL is discussing the matter should make a decision about the game later today.
This utter train wreck of a Vikings season can't end soon enough.
The Vikings also have one more game at home this year, next Monday night against the Bears. But that won't be played at the Metrodome either. This sure gives more ammo to those proposing that the Vikings need a new stadium, which voters have constantly voted down. The Vikings can leave after 2011 when the Metrodome lease is up, and this may force the Vikings out of the Twin Cities if they don't get a new building. The spectre of Los Angeles now looms larger and larger.
UPDATE (11:55 AM): The NFL announced that the game will now be played in Detroit, at Ford Field tomorrow night at 7:20 PM ET. It will be shown locally on Fox in both of the teams' local markets. More from Fox Sports.
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