Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Great White North Featured on Wednesday

This week Trivia Night will be on Wednesday night at the special time of 8:30 PM, due to the Celtics playoff game being on tonight. The crowd will just be too big and the game won't end before 11 PM, so the change was in order.

And this week's Special Category will be, in honor of Victoria Day, "Canadian Trivia." (Victoria Day was this past Monday, for those of you who weren't busy celebrating.) It will be seven questions about our neighbors to the north, with a special bonus points question to conclude the category. We will also have the usual four categories. So get your thinking touques on! (That was a McKenzie Brothers reference.)

The Sneak Peek question for tomorrow night is:

What ancient written language did the Rosetta Stone help decipher?

Hope to see many of you for Trivia Night on Wednesday!

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