I want to wish all of my friends, family and readers of The Mighty Quinn Media Machine a very Merry Christmas, wherever you are. Once again my gift to you, the burning Yule Log, which I put on the side of this blog a few weeks ago. "The Yule Log" is a tradition that started here on New York television back in the mid-1960s on WPIX-TV, and they would have the log burning in a continuous loop as Christmas music played in the background. It became extremely popular on Christmas Eve, but in the late 1990s they made the wrongheaded decision to take it off, and after many folks complained about it, it was brought back on Christmas mornings, and this year it will run from 9AM to 1 PM.
"The Yule Log" is one of those things I love about this season, my favorite time of year. (And the classic film "March of the Wooden Soldiers" always follows it on Channel 11 in the afternoon.)
Merry Christmas everyone.
The Yule log makes me warm all over.
Merry Christmas Quinn..I hope your eve and day is awesome!
Merry Christmas - love the blog - don't worry about Favre (if I told you would have the record you have you would be happy) - and truck day is not far away :)
Again Merry Christmas!
All the best to you both, Tex and Rick, on this wonderful holiday. Thanks to you both for checking out my site and your friendship.
Always keep the faith. Counting the days until the Truck departs Fenway!
An AWESOME Christmastide To You, O Q!
And a Merry one to you too, Michael.
OK, the log is nice. But my TV stays on TBS, where they run "A Christmas Story" 24 hours straight. By far the best piece of Americana Christmas humor ever, in my humble opinion. And this from a Jew! But I did grow up Christian, and the whole feel of the anecdotes from Ralphie's life rings so damn true. It's set just a bit before my childhhod, but not much. And the sense and experience of Christmas, school, and family life is very true to the period, while still being absolutely funny as hell.
"The soft glow of electric sex gleaming in the window" - one of the best lines ever!
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