Friday, August 31, 2007

An Imaginative Prank

Today I discovered on YouTube one of the more imaginative pranks you'll ever see. Thanks to a link from my friend Jere over at A Red Sox Fan From Pinstripe Territory, a student from a high school in Ohio pulled off something truly amazing on a rival school during an inaugural football game for 2007.

Kyle Garchar of Davidson High School in Hilliard spent 20 hours setting it up, and put black and white construction paper on seats, with instructions, for Darby High School supporters to hold up during the third quarter during a game against Davidson, thinking they were spelling out, "GO DARBY." Instead it said, "WE SUCK."

Kyle was suspended by his school for his efforts.

The video's a little vulgar, but very funny. It runs about one minute. Here's an article about the prank:

Do you suppose someone could pull off a similar prank on the muttonheads who inhabit the bleachers in Yankee Stadium? Just a thought...


  1. Ciao come vedi non mi dimentici ai di te!
    Buona notte e sogni doro

  2. Just how many of The Bleacher Creatures can spell the word "Suck" correctly
